she will have to treat him the same way. actually, his words were so offensive, the word "retard" is worse than the word "retarded." it is a real insult. and these feelings that family members have are so tender for the people in their family. and there are a thousand slights that these kids receive in a lifetime and the parents never stop trying to make up for it. >> if you're right, what happens to limbaugh's power and the sense of the rankings in the republican party and the conservative movement? >> well, you say stature. stature is in the mind of the beholder, but certainly, rush limbaugh and some other talk show hosts literally run the republican party now.รง they are the kingmakers. they are -- they have more followers than any other faction in the party. doesn't rush limbaugh claim 100 million listeners? so, certainly, he is a public figure of the sort sarah palin