because you don't just want to see well, you want to look good, too. aarp is different because it's not an insurance company. they won't recommend plans, but will make... information available from leading companies... so you can make choices you feel good about. because no matter where you are in life, you deserve coverage that makes sense for you. so don't wait, now's the time to call. maybe you've decided to get in shape... and you want a fitness program? you can get discounts on health club memberships across the country. so whether you work for yourself, you're employed, retired, or medicare-eligible, call now for free information. and get what you need to make health care decisions... that work for you. you don't even have to be an aarp member to call. all you have to do is be yourself. and, if you have any questions about medicare, call today and get your free copy of "medicare made clear," by unitedhealth educational publishing group. it will help you better understand all your choices.