bridge to this border town in colombia. at cucuta's general hospital, we meet marly, and she shows us the picture of her little boy smiling, in better times. this is is her little boy now, in a hospital bed, struggling to eat. so many families cannot afford the next meal. and tonight, a startling number. by one estimate, in 2017, the average venezuelan citizen lost around 24 pounds. and what the doctors tell us here is that even though he looks malnourished, this is actually a sign of a boy coming back to life. it's hard to imagine that when this boy came here he was about 9 pounds, and now he's about 13 pounds. he is slowly getting better. and she knows what comes next. a return to venezuela, where there is no work, and an economy leaving families with no hope. she's got to go back. she has her son and her mom.