the joint terrorism task force is now investigating tonight, and authorities talking just moments ago about this. here's abc's victor oquendo from florida. >> reporter: tonight, new questions about security at our nation's airports after a student pilot allegedly hopped a barbed wire fence and boarded this american airlines plane in the middle of the night. 22-year-old nishal sankat faces several charges, including centimeter attempt to steal an a airplane. >> within two minutes of creating a problem, we stopped this guy from getting in the air. >> reporter: authorities say sankat, who had a commercial pilot's license, drove to the curb outside the orlando melbourne international airport around 1:30 a.m., left the car running, and soon after, was on the empty airbus-321 that was undergoing maintenance. airport reps say two technicians tackled him, tried holding him down, but he broke free and took off running on the tarmac, before being arrested. after checking for explosives, but finding none, police towing the suspect's car away. >> oh, my god! oh, my god! is he okay? >> reporter: just last month, a

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Reporter ,Questions ,Authorities ,Abc News ,Airports ,Victor Oquendo ,Security ,Student Pilot ,Nation ,Florida ,Joint Terrorism Task Force ,Plane ,Charges ,Fence ,Middle ,Attempt ,Centimeter ,Nishal Sankat ,American Airlines ,Barbed Wire ,22 ,Airplane ,License ,Curb ,Problem ,Pilot ,Hair ,Melbourne International Airport ,Orlando ,Guy ,Maintenance ,Airbus 321 ,Car Running ,Sankat ,Two ,30 ,321 ,1 ,Suspect ,Technicians ,Car ,Tarmac ,None ,Finding ,Explosives ,God ,Airport Reps ,

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