writing, "as the son of a polish holocaust survivor, the images and sounds of this family heart-wrenching. children should never be used as bargaining chips." >> have you talked to mr. trump about a pardon? >> reporter: president trump has insisted his former fixer would never flip. are you concerned michael cohen will flip on you? >> i have nothing to do with that. >> reporter: but sources tell abc news, cohen is likely to cooperate with federal investigators. >> and kyra, there's news tonight that michael cohen has now hired a new lawyer? >> reporter: that's right. cohen has hired criminal defense attorney guy petrillo, who once led the same unit in new york's southern district that's investigating cohen now. so, the big question tonight, do all these developments create a foundation for a flip? david? >> kyra phillips on the case again tonight. thank you, kyra. there's still much more ahead on "world news tonight" this wednesday. the deadly police shooting. an unarmed teen sprinting from a car, shot three times and killed. also tonight, the bridge inferno. a deadly collision. a tractor trailer smashing into