with the salmon seared sashimi and roll it inside. this is black sesame. he's going to apply it to the ends. >> gives it a little texture, a little flavor. >> a little crunch, a little flavor. ♪ >> reporter: that's so good. and if you love salmon, you will love this. what's next? >> we can go straight into the maki. first, you've got to have a very strong sushi rice. we cook our rice for about an hour. then -- >> oh, look at that. >> we add immediately the sushi vinegar. >> how do you know how much to add? >> basically, it's just trial and error. keep pacing it as you go so it will absorb that vinegar flavor. we're going to let this cool for five or ten minutes. >> okay. >> then we're going to transfer it into a rice warmer. >> reporter: so, what are we going to do now? >> first step, you want to make sure you have this. apply a little water. >> reporter: apply a little water. does that help the sticking?