disney. >> oh, you follow just because. yeah. >> i'm a "star wars" fan. >> oh, you are. >> i want you to stick around. i might not be here tomorrow. >> are you a "star wars" fan? >> yes. from my heart. >> you know what millennium falcon is? >> yes, i do. it's the big spaceship, yeah. spaceship. >> yes, this is what chewbaca was doing in millennium falcon. yes, okay. we have something different. we talk about flying and "star wars," so check this out. >> definitely flying. boeing 787. i know that is not what millennium falcon looks like. okay? this is a dream liner. it is going to start flying passengers this fall. >> the airline said the feedback is so positive it might just order another one. this will fly routes out of tokyo. >> han solo at the helm? because if it is -- >> he's in charge. >> no i'm saying i'll get on that if -- >> i don't think he's allowed to fly after the incident in