to him, the prosecutor said, they were american. >> reporter: the jury saw this picture, dzhokhar tsarnaev in front of a jihadi flag. prosecutors playing this so-called jihadi music, insisting the tsarnaev brothers felt they were soldiers. dzhokhar, a full partner in the plot, pointing to his casual behavior. buying milk moments after the attack and the words in the boat where he hid stop killing our innocent people and we will stop. tsarnaev's attorney walking the fine line she had throughout the trial trying to save her client from the death penalty while freely admitting he took part in the bombings. there's no excuse, she said, planting bombs was a senseless act. but trying to convince the jury it was tamerlan tsarnaev's plan all along, noting his fingerprints not his younger brother's were found on bomb making materials and this pressure cooker lid. we don't deny that dzhokhar participated in the event but if not for tamerlan it wouldn't have happened. the courtroom was packed many

Related Keywords

Reporter ,Dzhokhar Tsarnaev ,Children ,Us ,Prosecutor ,Jury ,Prosecutors ,Jihadi Music ,Picture ,Front ,Flag ,People ,Words ,Peta ,Boat ,Attack ,Soldiers ,Plot ,Behavior ,Milk ,Boston Marathon Bombing Trial ,Part ,Death Penalty ,Planting Bombs ,Bombings ,Attorney ,Excuse ,Tamerlan ,Senseless Act ,Fine Line ,Client ,Plan ,Resolve It ,Event ,Wouldn T ,Younger Brother S ,Fingerprints ,Bomb Making Materials ,Pressure Cooker Lid ,

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