of a dangerous spinout on the world famous golden gate bridge trying to identify those responsible. >> these are clubs, these are groups that gather together. and taunt each other. it's a game to them. >> reporter: in oakland, rocks and bottles were hurled at officers responding to the scene. with charges pending against the driver of this red mustang, they are now hoping this video will help them track down the others involved. brandi hitt, abc news, los angeles. >> "fast and furious" or dumb and stupid? >> with that, we have more danger on the highway. this is a different danger. cows. you have to watch for cows, too. >> one got loose and really made a break for it. why was it udderly difficult to catch him? we're going to milk this story next. you are watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations.