three members of a family died. it's believed to have started with the christmas tree. when it catches fire it can go up quickly. just watch. how can you keep your family safe? the syracuse fire department's bill elderbroom takes us to a training session at the burn house. we set up a few decorations doing everything wrong. >> what do you think might happen here? >> the fact there's no water pan for this tree as these needles start to get dry, people will notice when these are shaken that the needles will fall. >> that's the first tip. >> reporter: keep your tree watered. if the tree isn't drinking the water in the tray, cut an extra inch or two from the base. tip two, do not use extension cords. and one we didn't know -- never keep those cords under the carpet. >> by keep walking on that carpet, that will wear that insulation off. that creates a serious fire