[ female announcer ] k-y yours & mine. his excites. hers delights. together feel them ignite. keep life sexy. time for "the mix." are you one who hits the snooze button a lot? >> no, i'm up and at 'em. >> this app is not for reena. this app that right now is in the uk but we could see it here eventually. it's called i cuckoo. any time you hit the snooze button it automatically makes a donation to charity. you hit the snooze button, yes, but it's going to a good cause. if you wake up, that's a good thing, too. it's a win-win -- >> but you don't get money if you wake up. >> if you get up and go to work, your check is coming friday. but it's a cool app. >> all right. people talk about carbon dioxide emissions. nasa took carbon dioxide