syrian group. an estimated 100 americans have been recruited to fight for jihadist groups in syria including isis. >> i feel like i am still dreaming. i am thinking like i am in the dream world. >> reporter: earlier this summer, the syrian al qaeda group said an american from florida carried out a suicide bomb attack for them. he left behind this threatening video for fellow americans. >> you think you are safe, you are not safe. >> reporter: abc news confirmed that president obama has authorized surveillance flights over syria. u.s. officials have said they need more information before they could launch air strikes against isis, the terrorist organization that has been gaining ground in iraq and syria, and that just last week executed american journalist james foley. there was no news from isis about the fate of american journalist steven sotloff and two other americans held hostage by the group, including a young female aide worker. isis is also demanding a $6.6 million ransom for the american hospital worker's release. susan saulney, abc news.

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