wake up feeling grumpier than men. i didn't write that line. i don't know who wrote that line. i don't know who decided women are grumpier than men. it wasn't me. >> we always talk about our power naps. 25 to 90 minutes because of the run cycle is ideal. >> i like the 90 minute. that is perfect for me. >> you have to get in to a system. i feel like i need an hour nap but what do i know? i'm just grumpi inin ining -- gn i wake up. >> who wrote that? we have to get to the bottom of that naps do help. if you can't get solid eight hours if you can get a cat nap, it is a good thing. >> it really helps. absolutely. a special christmas for one north florida family mom who brought home her little bundle of joy weighing in at more than 14 pounds. there he is.