other than rain in southern california, it is shaping up to be a pretty nice, dry kind of day. >> temperaturef1typi 40s, 50s, 60s an chilly in the o high of 20s and low of 30s. well below average thee an unusual record high air pressure has created a bizarre phenomenon in north dakota's cheyenne river. it's a giant spinning circle of ice about 55 feet in diameter. >> that's pretty cool. experts say an ice circle is formed when cold, dense air combined with relatively warm river water. they are naturally occurring and can be found in the arctic, scandinavia and canada but rare elsewhet. >> would be perfect i ice skating but to yjus stand still rin ice is not ore rotating disk of ice cubes. so not a good idea. >> that's fun. not for me. >> if you like ice skating. coming up, classic thanksgiving movies and tv