nick schifrin, abc news, spain. >> tragic end to a hiking trip for two women in maine. they were rescued after getting lost on the trails when they left the park the women took a wrong turn and drove into the ocean. police responding to their 911 call found the women and dog dead in a submerged car. one woman was five months pregnant. police believe the thick fog, obscured the only sign that warned that the road was about to end. >> leading researcher on lou gehrig's disease has been arrested and charged with killing his neurologist wife. dr. robert ferati, accused of lacing an energy supplement with cyanide and giving it to his wife last april. he told her the supplement would help her conceive. hours later she collapsed and died. ferati denies any involvement with his wife's death. >> an alarming trend when it comes to the hpv vaccine. health officials say fewer girls are getting one despite the vaccine's effectiveness in preventing cervical cancer. the cdc says the vaccination rate is now just 1/3 of teenage girls.