>> it is wonderful to be here. to talk about my journey. >> reporter: 16 years ago she began experiencing neurological problems after contracting cytomegalovirus, a common infection and eventually lost nearly all her mobility. for years it bothered her to be perceived as limited, confined. >> it was as if they couldn't see me anymore. as if an invisibility cloak had descended. >> reporter: so she went into the sea so she would see the device that she rides in a whole new way. >> i literally have the freedom to move in 360 degrees of space and an ecstatic experience of joy and freedom. >> reporter: the technology, it took a little doing. >> i started talking to engineers. they said no, you are not going to be able to do it. which is probably the best thing anyone could have said to me. >> reporter: with the help of divers, sue developed a chair with thrusters, custom fins and an air tank.