everyday citizens has made all the difference in some major cases. people living near this small house in texas reported seeing the image of a young girl gliding past a window. child protective services found 9-year-old victoria kept hidden and in squalor by her own mother. then there's what 11-year-old matthew dixon saw in the woods in oregon, another young boy walking with a man matthew found suspicious. >> he said he was hunting, and he didn't have a gun with him, it just seemed odd. >> reporter: matthew later told his mom to call cops, which led police to take out the kidnapper and rescue young tanner kahn. and then, of course, there was that campus police officer at the university of california berkeley who spotted philip garrido handing out religious literature with his two daughters. >> i just got a weird, uneasy feeling. i was looking at the younger daughter who's sitting across from me, and she was staring directly at me. it was almost like she was