and new york city mayor michael bloomberg. they are being dubbed the gun fighters. >> everybody's got an opinion on this one. i stay away from it as soon as it comes up. >> a new abc/"washington post" poll, a strong majority of americans believe that background checks -- 88% support. and a small majority, 51% nationwide ban on semiautomatics. 55% support an armed guard in every school in the country. 58% a nationwide ban on the sale of assault weapons. so you can see americans, our views are changing, especially when it comes to these semiautomatic rifles and weapons. >> you get the feeling that change is in the air in that regard. >> and marco rubio said, in regards to the president's 23 executive actions, which is going to cost about $500 million, he said nothing the president is proposing would have stopped the massacre at sandy hook. he's targeting 2nd amendment rights of law-abiding citizens. the last two massacres we've had