>> it really is. listen to this, too. according to ims, a health care information technology company, 60 million prescriptions were dispensed back in 2011 for this stuff. so there's a significant insomnia crowd. while we appreciate the job security, please monitor your health. we've heard horror stories for people that get hooked on that stuff. and literally, can't sleep without it or do crazy things when you're on it. >> we've heard stories even here on our show. >> it's the overnight crew. there's a lot of ambien folks walking around here. i get why they do it. we all have our weird sleep patterns on this shift. but there's a downside to everything. >> as always. as always. >> be careful. coming up next, when a celebrity tries to sell something for $24 million, the public usually takes notice. and turning a weatherman's bathroom accident into song and dance. we'll explain that next in "the skinny." "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations.