certain people and have a certain amount of respect. >> reporter: early this year, snoop found himself under arrest for misdemeanor possession of marijuana and got invited for a look at the jail from the inside. even the guy who played one of the winklevoss twins, in "the social network," probably wishes he made friends here. he couldn't get marijuana cookies through. >> somebody's got to get the word to them if you're gong to be driving cross-country, you don't take drugs with you because if you're on i-10 and in sierra blan ka, texas, you're going to be caught. >> reporter: mark greenblat, abc news. >> snoop-a-doop! >> wow, man! i don't know. that rock star, singer life. you know it always seems to intersect with drugs for so many people. no one is impressed. [ coughing ] >> man. all of them got busted -- imagine if they all wept on tour