>> reporter: it is noon in the neo-natal intensive care unit, at east tennessee children's hospital. and baby grayson, just 48 hours old, is shaking again. >> he's tremoring. >> reporter: grayson was born with a serious drug dependency because his pregnant mother was addicted to painkillers. now he gets morphine every three hours to cut the pain of withdrawal. grayson was brought here from a nearby hospital to this special unit for detoxing newborns. right now there are 23 tiny patients here going through withdrawal mostly from prescription pills like oxycontin, vicodin or percocet. >> good morning. >> reporter: carla saunders is the head nurse of this special unit. >> they will have really bad tremors, really bad jitters, very bad irritability, vomiting, diarrhea, cramping. >> reporter: ashton, just 19 years old, is grayson's mom. >> he has done so good today.