you and i a reason not to want to exercise. >> beautiful. if exercise is bad for you i'm going to live forever. that's fantastic. >> we are the 10%. embrace it. >> go get some mcdonald's on the way home and call it a day. milk does a body good. we've all heard that saying before. but now farmers are taking extra special care of their cows because they believe that a happy, contented cow simply produces more milk. so they are taking some pretty drastic steps to keep -- >> got to take care of those udders. >> to keep those cows happy. they are putting them on water beds. they are playing classical music in the barns. they are even, as you see in this picture, giving them chiropractic care. help them stay relaxed and loose and tender and all that good stuff. so cows are getting treated -- better treatment than some humans out there. >> chiropractor? shouldn't it be "cowropractor"? >> a relaxed cow makes more milk. good to be relaxed when you're getting your udder yanked. >> speaking of udders yanked and