local shopping mall. here in washington in the fashionable georgetown area, crowds smashed shop windows while downtown a high-tech office complex was set on fire. >> dark, dark days. i remember them well too and highlighted still the racial divide in the country, a little bit -- the numbers on this, 54 people ultimately died. more than a billion dollars in damage is the final stats from those few days. >> i don't think people realized 54 people died during the riots. >> and believe it or not, of course, the saying that came out of that, everyone remembers rodney king saying "can't we all just get along." it's become a punch line but at the moment it was a sincere question, what's going on here? you know, it is crazy, so, but, yeah, 20 years. >> 20 years. >> we didn't see anything quite like that until the o.j. trial years later. coming up next after the break separating fact from fiction for parents of newborns out there. >> the latest research on pacifiers is music to a nursing mother's ears. you're watching "world news now."