so you tend to get sidelined and the mobile phone becomes a priority where it should become the secondary issue. >> if people in the stores did it to the customer, then the customer would probably walk off. >> reporter: darryn and his wife have a coffee shop, too, where the same ban prevails, albeit not to universal approval. >> some turn their nose at it and snarl and think it's ridiculous and that we're being a bit precious, but can't please everybody. >> reporter: darryn insists he's not out to start a campaign. he just wants to make his own life a little easier. >> facebook question of the day. do you think cell phones should be banned in restaurants or on tv sets? go to >> i'll get to my in order a second. i need a couple more seconds. can you just hold off? all you just wait for me, okay. because i'm going to be on my phone for like ten more minute od