should say, to memphis and atlanta. >> 80s in the southeast. 60s in detroit, omaha and baltimore. 50s in baltimore and salt lake city. a mild 56 in sacramento. fair to say things are getting a little crazy these days at the university of iowa. and that's why this is our -- boom -- favorite story of the day. >> nicely played. we say crazy because one of the current candidates for student government president is a potato. maybe not surprisingly it's all something of a publicity stunt being run by the campus radio station. >> as the potato campaign staff likes to say, the potato was born dirt poor. he's down to earth, and he wants to get to the root of campus problems. >> isn't that what this country is about, reinvention? doesn't matter how humble your roots are. you can be president. >> i want some french fries with that. we'll be right back with more "world news now" right after this.