law. however, the justices are expected to cast their vote on the issue by the end of today. their votes are not binding. justices have been known to change their minds after reading each other's opinions and dissents. the beef industry is now in a full-blown spin cycle. it's hoping to convince grossed-out consumers that the meat filler nicknamed pink slime is not only safe but it's actually nutritious as well. abc's jim avila got a rare look inside a factory where the byproduct is made. >> reporter: this is the pristine meat packing plant that produces the controversial meat filler first called pink slime by a former usda scientist who toured here a decade ago. they call it lean finely textured beef, or ltfb and allowed me to tag along with three meat state governors. rick perry of texas, sam brownback of kansas, terry branstad of iowa. on a walkthrough to see first the beef scraps that go up a conveyor belt.