who were injured that day as well as the heroes who saved their lives. well, salvage experts could decide today when and how to remove more than half a million gallons of fuel from the "costa concordia," capsized off the coast of italy on sunday. divers recovered the body of a woman wearing a life vest in a submerged section of the ship that now brings the death toll to 13 with at least another 19 people missing and reports also potentially of unregistered passengers. it is a somber week at penn state as that campus remembers legendary coach joe paterno. students gathered for a candlelight vigil on campus last night. paterno died sunday morning at the age of 85 from complications of lung cancer just two months after he was fired, of course, in the wake of that ongoing sex scandal at the school. joe motown of our philadelphia station wpvi has more. >> reporter: it seems appropriate that those who love joe paterno would come straight here to beaver stadium to say good-bye. >> who he was. that's what he lived by.

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