>> lighting effect we like that. >> this is all the monsters that are part of the series. they're all high school girls. >> very nice. thank you. >> next, hello kitty. the new rad outfit. a whole lot of fun, okay. okay. moms love hello kitty. kids love hello kitty. >> colorful fun. and that is your lovely daughter right there. >> that is my lovely daughter right there. >> you guys are a fun family, i can tell. >> so what would halloween be without witches, should we choose a good witch or bad witch? >> let's bring out the witches and see. >> from classics "wizard of oz" glenda the good witch and wicked witch of the west. >> depending on which, witch do you want to be. very nice. very cool. >> green lantern. so we have our green lantern. green lantern coming. >> there we go. >> the movie. >> sparkling.