months. gasoline futures which helped determine the price at the pump down 23 cents. >> i'm hopeful that in average places, prices will drop as much as 20 cents here in the next seven to ten days. >> reporter: so why the dramatic drop? it's partly due to sagging demand. americans are already driving less. a strengthening dollar has dragged down oil prices as is poor economic news like higher than expected jobless claims. still, don't expect to get back to two buck gas like we had in 2009 anytime soon. >> a $3.50 a gallon price will be seen as relatively cheap over the next couple of years. >> reporter: so far, rural areas have been hit hardest. check out pictures of these gas stations taking in alaska. yeah. that one rings $6.73. a survey just out showed that americans spent about $390 in the month of april alone on gas. for many people that's more than they would spend on their monthly car payments. matt gutman, abc news, miami.