great lakes and dropping a couple inches of snow near pittsburgh, across upstate new york before bringing a coating to an inch in new york city. it's not the monster of the snowstorm weave seen but this is getting redundant here. we'll see yet another storm take much of the same path through friday. it's tracking over the great lakes. you get into the weekend and that's heading back toward the east coast. again, a chance for upwards of one to two inches perform really what we've seen so far has been remarkable. new york city, already about 60 inches of snow so far this season. that's putting us well above normal, even about 15 inches shy of the snowiest winter of all time. and, unfortunately, the thing to keep in mind, february could be a snowy month. we get a lot of cold air coming in out of canada and that draws a lot of storms up toward the northeast coast. back to you. >> i guess, thanks, ava. here's the rest of your friday forecast. the dusting that hits the east today stretches as far south as charleston, west virginia. snow showers from minneapolis and green bay into chicago, detroit and cleveland. a wet day in the pacific