>> not yet. oh, my gosh, he's firing. >> okay. >> he's firing. >> okay. are you secure where -- >> we need an ambulance. >> reporter: the 56-year-old gunman had taken his own life, shooting himself in the head. jones thought at first superintendent bill husfelt had been killed. >> when the superintendent came up from behind that counter and franklin harrison and he came and hugged my neck that's when i lost it like i am now just crying. i cry at chick flicks too. >> reporter: duke said he was taking revenge for them firing his wife. rebecca duke says he was only intent on hurting himself. police say that's not the case. jones says after he was released from the hospital for chest pains he spent wednesday with his pastor to try to come to terms with what had happened. rob and vinita. the house joined the senate by sweeping the tax compromise and it's on the way to the president's desk. it ran past midnight.