22-year-old christina walsh, went to the police after giving us this exclusive interview over the weekend. walsh is better known as capri anderson, her stage name in the porn industry. she says charlie sheen was a fan of hers. but she says the night documented in these pictures obtained by tmz quickly turned ugly. >> as it progressed he was definitely becoming more intoxicated. he was cursing a lot. he was making racial slurs, derogatory comments towards women. >> reporter: anderson says it was clear sheen was too drunk to carry on. she says his friend requested that she help get sheen up to his room and into his bed. >> so we go inside of the room. and then i hear -- kind of a big snorting sound. i look over and he says, do you party? and i say, no, no thanks, politely. and he gets up at one point and he's kind of -- with his hands around the bottom of my dress, my thighs. and he kisses me.