for everyone. and yes, so this is flipper frenzy, preschool. and the point of this game is the flipper frenzy, the shark, will crawl out for the preschooler, either the sea turtle or tea or green, and the kids are run around the room because they're scattered and they have tolieoop they learn the shapes and they learn to listen. it's a great active game. >> as they get o heyve the nmbero cf& s, tumbe all about maths. >> bubble d and they don't spill. >> very nice report. >> you take thwher >et takt faily games. a lot of housa fa gamght. >> it's a great thing, you get her an le w to have a grea family, with your fr so this is a lot of fun. this is called bubble talk. round of bubble talk. there's lots of cards nthe and i picked one of the ones i think is really silly, all right? >> okay. >> what happens is we each have cards. you're going to pick one. i'm going to pick one. we'll just pretend we have a