the course of decade but has not reached its pinnacle. whether critical race theory, critical gyppedder theory, which comes under different names, so-called green new deal movement, marxist movement, born in europe, exported to the united states. that is a war on your life-style a war on your income, a war on your income, a war on your private property, a war on capitalism. it is true, it is here. it is now. i have written a book called, "american marxism." i don't make any bones about it. we have to take the language back. we have to take the narrative back and we need to confront this. this is in our schools, it is in our immigration policies, it is in the executive orders issued by the president of the united states. it is in our corporations, it is in our media. some of these people are unwitting who are promoting it. some are surrogates or useful or really useless idiots. that is why i have written "american marxism."