manufacturers make it. you know, briefly, that is one of the oldest and safest drugs we have. it's been given all around the world for decades, 4 billion doses. you know, that testimony that you played that i gave in december, the evidence was convincing then. it's now overwhelming. just yesterday a paper by some of the top researchers in the world concluded that it leads to a massive reduction in the amount of patients who are dying. we're getting reports from all over the world, from mexico that put it into their public health policy, huge numbers of patients are avoiding hospitalizations and death in argentina and in certain states in india. we know t the working around the world, and nobody in the united states is hearing about it. maria: so does this boil down to money then, dr. kory? i mean, this drug made by merck is off patent. they're not making any money on it anymore, but now fauci says he's looking at a drug that's