about what they're up to. ainsley: greatest hits going on this summer. brian: i'm willing to take a huge leap but link foreigner with the huge talking point coming up after we tease our great reporter. that is we are going to be talking about foreigner here legally but foreigners here illegally. how about that? ainsley: the connection. brian: thank you very much. steve: over the last couple of months we have been think talking about critical race theory. parents say wait a minute they are starting to teach that in my kid's school? i don't like it. that is why loudoun county in virginia has essentially become ground zero for that and today we have dispatched lawrence jones. he's live at the leesburg diner in leesburg, virginia. joining us riffe. lawrence, good morning to you. ainsley: hi, lawrence. lawrence: good morning, guys. i'm in loudoun county today as you guys noted at leesburg diner. now, as you guys know, this has been the ground of crt and these