9-0, that's a final word from the court. >> quick follow-up question. my understanding is part of the heart of the issue involves the fact that the city had exceptions for other groups and agencies and yet refused to allow exception for this one. >> the court that dig into that and said if you are going to have these different distinctions you can't then use them against a religious affiliated group or a group who says i can't do what the city is asking me to do without violating my faith. chief justice john roberts wrote about that in another part of the opinion saying, you can't tell them that you can be part of this but you will have to give up part of your doctrine and that's not the way it works. the fact that this came together 9-0 is the most surprising thing for people on either side of this debate. >> indeed. thank you so much. >> this is part of a trend that has been called part of an extraordinary winning streak for religion of the supreme court and a recent study conducted even before this decision came