ports of entry. 92% of the fentanyl come through land ports of entry. 80% come through the land points of entry. 63% of the people here illegally in the last seven years came through visa overstays. canada was the number one violator. i don't know if we're building a fence with canada. i want to point what the facts are. i would love to work with the states. if i had a stake in the state i would say let's concentrate at the ports of entry with our cbp officers. >> harris: i don't know if you know this and attorney paxton i will let you answer this. you have the facts on the legalities. congressman i have people on the show all the time and i know that area really well. part of the problem isn't that they aren't going to the ports of entry. what the cartels are doing is they are making incidents outside the ports to cross over without the eyes on them from