in case of emergency, break will be nice an's before they nt glass and go for it. much. so far, you have won best and he did. earrings, although this is >> thanks, charles. >> charles: a record round on have to brave the weather that first segment. >> 2020. wall street. the question now is we have the new decade. >> charles: up next, the we had. latest on two horrific attacks, trade situation, a very strong consumer, that takes us into the and why the parishioners of the new year, for what we can expe texas church -- meanwhile, "your world" is next. charles payne is in for expect. federal charges just files.bu neil cavuto. >> charles: phase one of the let me start with you, francis. u.s.-china trade deal, heading we have a lot more on that after listen. this. i think we have a tremendous to washington. the white house signaling that amount of momentum heading into the new year. the signing could come as early just one pill a day. 24 hours. as next week. i will give you an example. zero heartburn. welcome, everyone. because life starts when heartburn stops. i am charles payne in for november, they had a gdp of 0.3. take the challenge at prilosecotc dot com. now 2.3%. of all the things that help to neil cavuto. intense negotiations are coming to an end. pick this up from gdp, from he has got the very latest, jobs, from wages. i don't see it ending anytime kevin. >> good to be with you. soon. >> now, definitely the bull case neither side has officially is very clear. they have put a hold on lowering confirmed that the signing will happen, although it is fair to rates, still with a record say that it has been widely amount of money at a record rate into the system. reported that it was very likely. that is going to support stock let me share a quick quote. prices going forward.