trump is provided? >> i will start with that piece. i don't to the habit as long as the economy is good everything democrats in 2020 you're talking about are fundamentally opposed to where the american people are. you do not want to restrict an economy that's working for those people. on the first piece, predictably i think the answer is both. it is extremely good for negotiation purposes. i think we've got china basically confused about how to get out of this because they need a solution as much as ours does. but on the market side is not great. you can see the markets react to sort of ongoing, lack of clarity about where the offramp is to china. i think they have to do that. the other thing that to jason's point, their multifaceted approach to what we are doing. nancy pelosi will not pass tax cuts for the american people period. which might under enough pressure possibility the usmca which will have huge impact on