nphusa .org. an amazing group i've been involved with for 28 years. >> well done. let's talk about the weather. nice out here right now. it's going to be another hot humid day. taking a look at the weather map to show you what's going on. if you're in florida, you've had a lot of rain this last week. look at what happens over the next five to six days, more rain across the panhandle of florida and nothing out across the four corners. today across the northeast, a hot humid one, that is the case for much of the week. showers across florida, some heavier rain across parts of arkansas and look at the heat against across areas of texas. into the northern plains, beautiful behind the storms. we have big storms in iowa, kansas, missouri, illinois and wisconsin this morning. they will continue to pull up to the east. southwest. this should be the rainy season. not getting any rain right now and the heat is on in arizona, california and it it. >utah.>> it's a steam batting iw