should have been reasonable. >> that's netflix is playing doctor without a medical license. >> there's 50 pages in the complaint saying a all of the ways they were told it would be a sympathetic view and what it turned out to be was something that made them in manipulated situations they alleged by netflix made them look like they're not good, responsible, mentally healthy people. >> this is, of course, the plaintiffs' complaint against netfl netflix. we're not reading netflix's response from that. those people had the ability to leave the production at any time. if they felt they were forced to medical procedures they didn't want to take, they could leave the production. this is all voluntary, this is all contracts they signed on to. they had the ability to review the contracts. so if you signed up for something as an adult person who has the full capacity to do so, you cannot complain thereafter and sue them outside of the terms of the agreement. >> quick final word. >> our president talks about fake news, netflix is doing abusive news, distortion, it