$17, so al gore is getting a pretty nice royalty of every one of those beyond meat burgers. >> yes, and if a democrat wins the whitee house, there is going to be a whole fake meat stimulus. the most successful ipo in 2019 thus far was timed on the eve of this big u.n. report. al gore, steeped in politics, regulatory powers, was involvedi in this ipo with his company investment, and then it explodes. now you have the world talking about meator regulation. the u.n. chief himself said the successful u.n. agreement will result in skyrocketing meat costs. that's what they want to do. so what's the alternative? pea protein, that is w what is n this al gore burger, made out of all kinds of weird ingredients like that. >> mark: okay. i don't think i'm going to have one after the show. have a regular burger with me. marc morano, thank you for that. that is about it for us tonight. tune in each night at 8:00 eastern for the show that is the