cocaine, opioids, they fled the streets. they give it to the gang leaders, who then distributed in the neighborhood and run it up and down the east coast corridors. and they have to have these weapons to protect the product. to blame this on guns, like this guy with the ar -- the handgun, didn't go through a background check. it's crazy. and i think everyone needs to focus on what the real issue here is. >> yeah, i mean, can i just throw a tip out there for the presidential candidates? may be shut your pie holes -- i'm serious, let the cops on the ground, get this guy, this maniac out of the building, and let's get the cops out of the hospital before we start tweeting about our next brilliant gun control plan. that, by the way, this criminal -- as you just accurately stated -- couldn't care less about. i'm sure this guy doesn't care about your latest background check proposal.