democrats. they are going to do this again. democrats highlighting what the president does that they may -- >> dana: how much does it depend on, because 2018 was a referendum on the president. what about when it's a choice between two people? >> that's absolutely the case. saying not being honest about things he has said or done i don't think serves us. calling people racist does not serve us well. >> it's a game of two handed poker. your pair of 2's may not be much, but when it gets down to two candidate, it makes a big difference. >> dana: do you know what i love? poker references. jessica and ed, thank you. >> thanks a lot, dana. >> dana: possible break in the case of a california woman missing for close to a month now. a live update on the investigation, next. ♪ did you know you can save money by using dish soap to clean grease on more than dishes? try dawn ultra. dawn is for more than just dishes. with 3x more grease cleaning power per drop, it tackles tough grease on a variety of surfaces.