practically. news. president trump just tweeting that john radcliffe, they're >> dana: tony katz and doug going to withdraw that nomination to the dni. he is not going to put forth shone, great to have you here. john radcliffe's name to be the tony bringing the shirt for us director of national intelligence. today. doug, take a listen to former that was something he talked about earlier this week. there has been some push back vice president biden about his from the hill and the media, and the president deciding this former boss and the criticisms would not be the nomination he of him. would make. >> i was a little surprised at your thoughts on that? >> reporter: well, texas is a how much there was about barack, state, as will hurd, will hurd the president. and john radcliffe both from i'm proud of having served with there. maybe they need him in texas. him. i'm proud of the job he did. i don't think there's anything he has to apologize for. i don't know of any of the details but republican retirements in texas, there have i think, you know, it kind of already been three. if losing radcliffe potentially surprised me the criticism. >> dana: doug, you've covered is something republicans want to many of these campaign, you worked on campaigns. do. >> dana: that's an interesting >> i have. >> dana: if you're trying to be take. we're just getting this news. the next president, you to we don't know the back of that. distance somewhat from the previous president. but let's keep that in mind. were you surprised by the major peter doocy is the one who differences that the party was saying they had with obama? pointed that out. tell me the last word to you >> yeah. about concerns for the there's distancing and having a republicans about retirements in different perspective and taking general for the house.