>> if you are going to peacock, do it like a patriot. ainsley: he is army. pete: i'm just trying to stay afloat, guys. you guys will need to give me some tips. we will be two hours in the water and have a camera on a boat tracking the whole thing. ainsley: we will get ready to tell you some advice. remi is on transformer fuss saw the movie. is he a navy seal. family from nigeria. dad died because the government took his property. mom moved him to the bronx. he was into drugs found jesus and became a navy seal and now swimming. and he is an actor as well. obviously. what's your advice for pete? >> just keep going. don't quit. don't let the cold goat to you and don't let the water get to you. brian: i'm worried about the hudson in particular. ainsley: are you wearing goggles? >> goggles. i was offered a biosuit. steve: it is the hudson river. pete: it is the hudson. >> are you excited about. this absolutely. janice: will you also be wearing a suit like pete is