baltimore's position, which i can't understand that. does this strategy work or is it a cynical game? >> there's no question there are times he goes mano on mano. elijah couplings was saying things that bothered him. and he dug down and said who is this guy to attack me and the job i'm doing as president. the president asked the question -- what do you have to lose? you keep voting for liberal democrats. communities are not getting safer or better. give my policies a shot. like you said earlier, he's doubling down on that approach. he has to make sure that the leadership in hithese communiti get indicted for the failed leadership. >> laura: even joe biden tonight was taking aim at the president. let's watch. sorry. it's a tweet. i think we have a tweet. here it is. the new habit every which way approach pushes the extremely challenging implement -- is this the right one? oh, i'm sorry, this is on medicare for all. we're moving off of the topic.