employer is paying the bulk of that. people love that system, the fact that they have their own doctors right now. a swath of our population, and like 30 million people or so, we have brought it out to fix on a tire problem. if you have a leaky front tire, you don't take your car to demolition, have them dismantle the whole thing. but it is an excuse to revamp the entire system. >> sandra: big week for the markets. interest rates, markets of 50 points. right now -- >> the shanghai meeting between u.s. and china trade representatives. it's a huge week for the stock market. >> sandra: well, then you better be back tomorrow. >> bill: thank you, charles. >> bill: manhunt in canada intensifying. a police warning locals to stay inside as they conduct a massive search operation in hopes of bringing that salty with peacefl end. we will have that next. wanted to get away