records. that's fine. you're biassed about the market. i'm kidding. kevin, let me get a sense of relief that was hearing from some of the candidates running. in their heart of hearts, they don't want this thing dragging on. what do you think of that? >> i'd agree and most americans do as well. we're tired of this. it's been three years. what is in the report is in the report. we didn't get anything new. polls have shown that election interference is well beneath other issues in terms of importance in the minds of voters, democrats and republicans. what people want to hear about is healthcare, immigration, climate change with the younger people. i don't want democrats to take the bait here. we need to focus on those issues to beat trump in 2020, not on the mueller report, collusion issue. that won't be a winner for us. >> neil: we shall see. i apologize. two live developments we're waiting for. one from the president whether